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  • PRAISE GOD for the successful stem cell transplant of Fokko Doyen, President of Cargo Human Care
  • PRAY for Fokko as he needs to isolate for the next twelve months following his surgery - that he may be able to adjust his lifestyle to manage this change to his usual schedule.



We are pleased to tell you that prayers for Fokko Doyen (President of Cargo Human Care of Lufthansa Airlines,  through whom our support of Mothers’ Mercy Home has been sent for the past few years) have been answered. The stem cell  procedure for which he was admitted to a hospital in Frankfort, Germany on September 11th was successful.  He has returned home and is so glad to continue his recuperation around family.  He will have to isolate for the next 12 months which is difficult for a gregarious person like Fokko, but he feels that this is a small sacrifice if it will return him to good health.  

We were  recently sent update letters on our Partnered Students from Fokko’s wife Franka.   With the medical issues going on in their family we were surprised that she was able to do this so soon after their return from Frankfort.  Please continue to pray for Fokko’s complete healing that he may return to his dedicated work with Cargo Human Care bringing many blessings to the children of Kenya.


 August Holiday Camp at MMH by Sieglinde Reinhard

During the August holidays, the Chica team of Cargo Human Care returned to Mothers’ Mercy Home with five people. They read books with the children, made matching handicrafts, prepared fabric bags for the graduating class in December, embroidered and hung-up name cards, and renewed the decorations in the bedrooms and common rooms. The children are now able to crochet hats and knit scarves, largely independently. New desk benches were made in the wood work-shop, wardrobe doors for the bedrooms were repaired and new shelves were built. The highlight of these holidays was the first Nairobi Children's "Office City Run": A sports day organized by the Lufthansa Cargo Station. After running 100 meters, all the children received a certificate and a medal, which they continued to proudly wear in the days that followed. After lunch, the children played football, basketball and volleyball, and made extensive use of the facility's swimming pool. The weather was perfect, and everyone had a lot of fun doing healthy exercise. Many thanks to the organizers, Zlatko Zlatic and his entire team!

News from the John Kaheni Residence / JKR by Cornelia Junge

It is not only the education of our students at the John Kaheni Residence that is important to us. We are also keen to ensure that our onsite team receives regular further training. That is why our social workers, James Gitau (2017 graduate of MMH) and Veronika Mumbi, visited the Marianist Technical Institute Training Centre to gain new ideas and inspiration for their own work with young people. They were very inspired by the impressions they gained and found it motivating and enriching to have the opportunity to discuss topics and challenges in everyday working life with colleagues outside of their own organization.



Please pray for Fokko Doyen:

Fokko Doyen is the President of Cargo Human Care of Lufthansa Airlines through whom our support of Mothers’ Mercy Home has been sent for the past few years.  

A stem cell donor has been finally found and he was admitted to a hospital in Frankfort, Germany on September 11th.  He expects to be there for six weeks as he undergoes this procedure. Please pray for the medical team ministering to him, that he may be healed and return to his dedicated work with Cargo Human Care, and that he, his wife, three children, daughter-in-law and grandchild may be filled with God’s peace during this difficult time.



We are sad to report that Fokko Doyen, President of Cargo Human Care, has been ill.  This is the organization through which we currently direct our funds to MMH and he is the person who forwards  information to us.  Thus, news from MMH has been scarce recently.  Please pray for him as he has had or will have in the future, a stem cell transplant.  

The past couple years we have sent our funds to MMH just once per year.  This month we are sending $16,690 for the following:

     $240 for each of 29 Partnered children's tuition            6960

     Primary & Form 3 uniforms                                        3716

         (36 boys & 23 girls)

     Primary books                                                           2018

     Primary field trips                                                      1406

     Future Arts & Music Programs at MMH                         2500


    Small gifts for personal accounts for 4 children                 90


                                                                   TOTAL      16,690

 We are grateful to all our Partners, the St. Thomas Mission Fund, Lambeau Field Misson Fundraiser and other donors who continue to support these precious children and young adults  who are part of Mothers’ Mercy Home and the John Kaheni Residence. 

MAY 2024 

 The ChiCa team is a group of lay people from Cargo Human Care who are frequently at Mothers’ Mercy Home to assist the mothers, teachers and social worker staff during times when the children are on school vacation.  They provide sports, excursions, and many crafts and games.  This past fall they once again took up a topic that is important to all of us:  Sex Education.  These classes are conducted by the nurses and the Medical Officer Boniface of the Medical Center.  All children from the age of ten take part in the introduction.  They are initially taught together, then separated according to gender, as it is then often easier to have open conversations and questions.  Unfortunately, how important this topic is, is shown again and again when one of the girls comes back to MMH pregnant from her “vacation” with the family.  It is also important that it is made clear to the boys that they have to take responsibility in the event of pregnancy.  Unfortunately this is rarely the case in everyday life in Kenya.  Very often the young mothers are single parents.  The hope of these educational sessions is to give the girls enough confidence in these conversations to be able to say “NO”.  

Just a reminder that Partners who renew their support of their child each year in April, those yearly payments are due now.  Please send to St. Thomas with MMH Partnership Program in the Memo line.


APRIL 2024

  It was an exciting time for 12 children from Mothers’ Mercy Home who completed their Primary Education at the end of last year and left their familiar surroundings in January to move to a Boarding School for their Secondary Education.  In the future they will only return to MMH during the holidays and short-term breaks.  

The Medical Center located at MMH operated by Cargo Human Care set a new record in 2023 with a total of 40,929 treatments for 12,975 patients.  This indicates an urgent need to expand the capacities at the Center.  

“Nine students can look forward to a new chapter in their lives as they have successfully completed Secondary School and now call the John Kaheni Residence (JKR) their home.  Most of the young men and women were last accommodated at Mothers’ Mercy Home.  At the JKR they are now not only supported in their vocational training, but also prepared for adulthood and an independent life.  Cooking and cleaning are just as much a part of the program as traditional job application training and computer skills.   

At the orientation meeting at the end of January, all the young men and women were able to get to know each other and familiarize themselves with their new home.  In individual discussions with the social workers from the JKR and their previous supervisors, wishes and ideas were shared so that the personal needs of all students can be catered for in the future and that this new chapter can commence with anticipation and motivation.   

We wish them every success in this new phase of their lives and look forward to seeing what the future holds!”   Written by Lena Ratzlaff 



Students in Kenya are now back to school following the December holiday.  Just a reminder to Partners that those who support their child annually or semi-annually in January  that payments are due now.  All Partnership funds currently go toward school fees.  


As we reflect on the past year it is good to think about the little ones at Mothers’ Mercy Home just beginning their journey and the young folks who have been through the entire program of Mothers’ Mercy Home and the John Kaheni Residence.   

“Graduation Ceremony for Little Ones of MMH:  On October 21, four MMH children graduated from kindergarten at Lily of the Valley School.  For this they received certificates like the big ones, which they accepted with pride.  Afterwards there was a small celebration.  From January 2024 they will attend primary school there.”  Franka Doyen 

“Second Annual JKR Alumni Hangout”:  Maintain friendships, exchange experiences, share information and, of course have lots of fun. That was the focus of the second Alumni event, which took place on October 14, 2023 at the John Kaheni Residence in Kiambu.  It was an intense and insightful event for everyone involved.  When former JKR students from a total of eight years now, come together to discuss their experiences and everyday challenges with us, there is a lot of food for thought and the one or other problem that is better solved “in a hive” than alone.                                                                                                 

It is impressive to see how the young people from back then have grown into the adults of today, carving their own way and bravely taking on the demands that Kenyan life places on them.  We heard stories of professional success and family happiness.  We also heard about tragic events and professional setbacks because life in Kenya has many surprises in store.  A line by Forrest Gump from the film of the same name, probably sums it up best:  “Life is like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you’re gonna get,”  That holds true for the positive as well as the negative.                                                                                                                 

We were particularly pleased with a comment many of our alumni made.  “Without the good training that we all received, and thanks to the support of the teams from JKR and MMH, the day-to-day challenges would be much harder to cope with and often barely bearable.”  That statement encourages us all to continue on our chosen path and accompany the young people of the JKR for a while on their journey into life.”  Arno Pfeifer

 Fokko Doyen, Cargo Human Care Board chairperson, was in Kenya and attended the Reunion.  He emphasized the importance of giving back and mentoring the young kids at MMH and the young residents living in JKR all while quoting JFK.  “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”



We have received another THANK YOU from one of the MMH Social Workers for the small monetary gift we recently sent through Fokko Doyen, President of Cargo Human Care.  “Greetings, Hope you are well.  My name is Linda Anyango and I am writing to thank you for the token you gave to me through Fokko Doyen.  Thanks so much for appreciating the work we do for and with the children.  It’s not easy but by the grace of God we manage and do what we can at the best of our abilities.  God bless you and the  whole organization of Wisconsin.  Let’s keep working together for the benefit of the chilren.  Kind regards, Linda Anyango.”  

The 27 children in years four to six from Mothers’ Mercy Home recently became “book explorers”.  What types of paper are there?  How is printing done?  How are books bound?  These were just a few questions that came up during the week.  The focus was on practical involvement because being able to do something yourself is always the most rewarding experience.  With great zeal and delight, the children designed their own books.  The week and the holidays were rounded off with ice cream in a waffle for all the MMH children and staff:  a perfect treat in the sunny weather.  (Written by Annette Olker/ChiCa-Team)


We have received another THANK YOU from one of the MMH Social Workers for the small monetary gift we recently sent through Fokko Doyen, President of Cargo Human Care.  “Greetings, Hope you are well.  My name is Linda Anyango and I am writing to thank you for the token you gave to me through Fokko Doyen.  Thanks so much for appreciating the work we do for and with the children.  It’s not easy but by the grace of God we manage and do what we can at the best of our abilities.  God bless you and the  whole organization of Wisconsin.  Let’s keep working together for the benefit of the chilren.  Kind regards, Linda Anyango.”  

The 27 children in years four to six from Mothers’ Mercy Home recently became “book explorers”.  What types of paper are there?  How is printing done?  How are books bound?  These were just a few questions that came up during the week.  The focus was on practical involvement because being able to do something yourself is always the most rewarding experience.  With great zeal and delight, the children designed their own books.  The week and the holidays were rounded off with ice cream in a waffle for all the MMH children and staff:  a perfect treat in the sunny weather.  (Written by Annette Olker/ChiCa-Team)


In March of this year our Board voted to send small monetary gifts to the staff of Mother’s Mercy Home knowing the economic situation was rough and that the staff gave above and beyond in their service to the children.  Letters of thanks and appreciation were written for each of them and funds were eventually sent to Fokko Doyen, Chair of Cargo Human Care through which our funds are now sent to MMH.  Since he was disabled by a bicycle accident he was unable to return to Kenya until this past August.  On August 12th he finally was able to return and he wrote “People in Kenya are having a bad time presently.  They are really suffering.  The economy is down, many lost their jobs and prices for everything has gone up dramatically.  The new government ha no idea how to improve the situation.”    

On August 12th Fokko presented the letters and gifts to Charles, Head Social Worker, Mother Leah and Mother Priscillah and Facility Manager, affectionately called Father Daniel by the children, with the other gifts to be presented later by Charles.  Fokko reports “So very happy.  Never expected this great support.  Daniel’s mouth became wider and wider until it almost took the space from one ear to the other one.  He had tears in his eyes.” 

A note from Charles said ”Fokko gave us good surprise in an envelope which we really appreciated.  We are humbled and all were VERY HAPPY.  I thank you so much for that gift especially this time when economy is very hard.  Be Blessed.  Kind regards, Charles” 

Another note from Mother Priscillah “Thank you very much for the monetary token, such a generous and thoughtful gift.  It was perfect and has been warmly and appreciatively received.  I am so touched by your generosity and gratitude for the work that we do here at Mothers’ Mercy Home.  We too do appreciate all the time and efforts you put into making the lives of our children here at MMH a lot better through your Partnership with us  Your support is greatly appreciated by all of us.  May God bless you and your loved ones as well.  Warm regards, Priscillah” 

Notes and individual small gifts (procured by the Social Worker) for some of our Partnered Children have not as yet been distributed.  


A new grading and curriculum system  has recently been initiated in the Kenyan Schools.  The young people in Class 8 are the last ones still learning according to the old system.  They are currently heavily burdened with preparing for the final exams prior to attending Secondary School.  Lessons and repetition exercises are taking place on weekends.  Children in the third grade had a project week for the first time under the new curriculum.  They had to improvise brooms, aprons and mops from existing materials. We received photos of the brooms some of them made from sticks and leaves.  Weekend activities continue with teachers coming in for tutoring, music, computer training, sewing and sports.    Before her maternity leave, Chaplin Grace prepared a program  of bible lessons for the children which is being implemented by the Mothers who care for the children daily.

The individual gifts for some of our Partnered Children which were funded by the Partners and purchased by the Social Worker have not as yet been distributed.  The monetary gifts our Partnership Program sent for staff members will be given when Fokko Doyen, President Cargo Human Care, recovers from a bicycle accident and hopefully is able to visit Kenya once again in August.     

June 2023

It has been determined that the most efficient way to wire funds to Mothers’ Mercy Home through Cargo Human Care is to do so once per year.  Our  contributions will be made each year in June.  This year we will be sending our Partnership Funds used towards the educational fees for 34 children  ($8160).    A number of our Partners have been requesting a way to send an individual gift to their Partnered Child.  Thirteen of the Partnered Children will be receiving a small gift chosen by Charles, the Head Social Worker, while the other children will receive a treat.  ($260).  The Board has decided to honor the many years of dedicated service of the staff, chiefly Charles, as well as 3 other Social Workers, 3 Mothers (who care for the children daily) and a Dad who serves as a Father figure. Notes of gratitude will be presented along with  monetary gifts.  ($500).  

Other funds which are from our Parish Mission Budget, Lambeau Field Fundraiser and Donations will be sent to provide for the following needs: Commercial Washing Machine ($4047), Required School Books ($2424), Educational Trips for 6 students ($425), Eating Utensils - 150 plates, cups & tablespoons ($425), Firewood ($343), Painting of Dorm & Kitchen ($411), Cleaning of tile floors, toilets & sinks ($493).  This total  of $17,488 for education, staff appreciation, and keeping the facility clean and  hospitable will be greatly appreciated by the children and staff.  Thanks to all who have had a part in contributing to this ministry to the children of Kenya.  ASANTE!

MAY 2023

Recent  updates have been received on Partnered children in Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary School.  These  have been forwarded to the Partners.  In the near future we will be receiving updates on those  Partnered with students in the John Kaheni Residence Program.

The children of MMH recently received a visit from the Cargo Bulls, a German Soccer team.  The members of this team participate in Burostadtlauf (a city run in Frankfurt) which is a fund raiser for Cargo Human Care (the organization we have joined with in supporting MMH.)  These socceer players wanted to see where their donations went and they were greatly impressed by what they saw.  With the love of soceer  by the children of Kenya, it must have been quite a day at MMH!

On May 6th Mothers’ Mercy Home will be celebrating its 21st Anniversary.  What a blessing it has been for so many children due to  the dedication of staff and the prayer and  support of so many folks who believe in their education and Christian upbringing.   We are thankful for St. Thomas Church, the Partners and donors since 2007 when we first became  involved.  Many children have been blessed by your love, prayers and monetary donations.  THANK YOU!

APRIL 2023

“Until recently, it was essential in Kenya to attend school until the end of Year 12 in order to be able to continue on to vocational training.  This also applied to weaker pupils.  A degree even with the worst grade was still considered more than no degree at all.  Two years ago, the Kenyan school system was reformed and entrance examinations were introduced for the transfer from primary to secondary school.  At the same time, vocational training courses at technical colleges can now be taken directly after the 8th year of primary school.  The MMH social workers have now, for the first time, enrolled six young people from MMH, who were overwhelmed with the demands of secondary school, in practical vocational training at the “WORD OF FAITH COLLEGE”.  Courses in hairdressing and/or cosmetics as well as tailoring, food processing and electrics were selected.  These last between 4 and 24 months, and all end with a certificate.  As the young people are not yet of age, they will continue to be accompanied by the MMH social worker team.  We wish them all much success!”                                          Written by Sieglinde Reinhard,  a member of the CHC Team

We believe this a a wonderful development that a number of the children of MMH will be greatly served by.  

Just a reminder to Partners who renew their Annual Partnership in April and those who renew Quarterly, donations are now due.  

MARCH 2023

On Monday February 6th and Tuesday February 7th, 14 children of Mothers’ Mercy Home were escorted to their new Secondary Schools.  Five of them are supported  through our Partnership Program.   These students completed class 8 this past year and now will be in Boarding School for the next four years. This is a major transition for these young people as they will only reside at MMH now during school vacations.  

We have been informed that in the coming weeks we will be receiving updates on the children we are Partnered with.  These reports will be sent to Partners as soon as available.  

Thanks to all Partners who have renewed their annual, semi-annual or quarterly Partnership in January.  Many Partners have an annual renewal coming up in April.  

The Administration is thankful for  prayers for the children and for their country which continues to suffer from  draught (which greatly affects the availability and cost of food).  May God bless them with rainfall.


Fokko Doyen, Founder of Cargo Human Care of Lufthansa Airlines and two members of the Board were at Mothers’ Mercy Home January 17th and 18th.  He will be sending us news about their visit.  The children who were with their guardians for 10 days over the holiday recess returned to MMH and school started again on Monday January 23rd.  Fokko reports there are 3 new children about whom he will let us know the present status.  New outside stoves have been installed and will be up and running very soon.  The advantage will be that they will use less wood and smoke will be reduced.

The $240 per year that Partners provide for their child is used toward school fees.  Some Partners have asked about sending a small personal gift for their child.  We have been informed that a small  gift such as a book can be provided through our Partnership Program.  Charles the Social Worker will decide on a gift and then something such as a sweet to be distributed to the other children so no one feels left out.  If you would like to provide $20 for a gift for your child it can be sent to MMHPP and it will be wired along with our next monetary wire.  If you would like to send a short note along with the gift that is especially nice.  We will ask Charles to snap a picture when the child receives the gift.  

We pray the children will have a successful term as they are now back in school.



The “ChiCa” team (Children Care)  is a group in Nairobi who work with the children of MMH and support the local team of social workers during school holidays.  (The children are on school holiday since late November and return to school January 23rd.)  Two of these women, Kirstin and Heike, have been working with Cargo Human Care for many years.  They reported that some children helped unload the shopping for a special lunch on December 6th.  A friend celebrating her 65th birthday had donated 200 euros for what sounds like an Italian meal for everyone at MMH and  the Medical Centre including the three doctors from Germany present that week.  Funds were still left for a popcorn party December 9th.  

Mercy and Rahab ( MMH graduate 2014)  are now paid by CHC to provide internships at leather and tailoring workshops for children of MMH.  A group of 7 MMH students began week long classes on December 5th and another group began December 12th.  

Just a reminder that Partners who donate annually in January, semi-annually in January and July or Quarterly, your payment is now due.  Thanks to all our Partners who have continued to support Mothers Mercy Home over the last year.  


Fokko Doyen, President of Cargo Human Care,  returned to Germany from Nairobi, Kenya on November 17th and others of the team traveled to Kenya on November 24th.  They are able to keep us up to date on what is happening at MMH and the John Kakeni Residence.  In past years CHC has presented a bonus payment at the “End of the Year Celebration” in early December to the staff at MMH and Medical Centre whose salaries they pay. They noticed that the remainder of the staff paid by the Anglican Church did not receive anything. This year CHC decided,  along with Charles the Head Social Worker, that these additional 15 staff members would receive a package consisting of chicken, maize flour, wheat flour, rice, cereals, green grams and beans, cooking oil, and milk at a cost of $42 each. They will be checking if the chickens can be purchased from Julius Njogu and Nancy Asokoni, 2013 graduates of MMH, who now run a chicken farm.  It is good that these faithful staff members  will be recognized for their year long service.

Food prices continue to be a huge problem in Kenya.  Christmas vacation began in late November and will continue until January 23rd.  Primary school children will be having three meals a day at MMH (lunch usually at school) and the Secondary School boarding school students will also be back at MMH and will be in  need of meals three times a day.  This will demand much more food be available for the students than during  school sessions.  CHC has agreed to provide an additional $2,800 to fund the increased cost since they feel it is necessary for the children’s nutrition and health.  The children will leave MMH to spend one or two weeks with their guardians after the New Year.

68 students are involved with the program at the John Kakeni Residence for graduates of MMH.  At the present time 32 of them stay in house (which means a “full house”) and the others live outside in hostels or in shared apartments close to their colleges or universities.  This past year a program was started to support with micro credits graduates of JKR who have an idea for their own business.  So far three students have received these credits for their small business (Julius and Nancy for their Chicken Farm and a 2017 graduate starting a small Bakery.)  Staff are in close contact with these entrepreneurs  and though they have a hard time staff are optimistic that they will be successful.  

For all the support we have given through CHC this past year Fokko Doyen says DANKE, ASANTE SANA and THANK YOU.  Our funds will be used almost 100 % for the children with impressive support by Lufthansa Cargo and all work done by volunteers.


Due to rapidly increasing prices for food in Kenya, the Mothers’ Union has been struggling and so the quality of food at Mothers’ Mercy Home has not been the best.  Fokko Doyen, President of Cargo Human Care and the Vice President met with Charles, the Head Social Worker, and it was agreed that CHC would pay for an increased food budget. The children will receive additional milk, yogurt and fruit, an additional egg every weekend, one additional meal with chicken or pork per week (had been served beef once per week on Sundays), and twice a week orders of healthy and nutritious food will be placed with Midwest Foodbank.

It is great to learn that the eggs will be bought from Julius Njogu and Nancy  Asokoni’s   chicken farm.  Both were 2013 graduates of MMH who were sponsored by our Partnership Program. They will deliver 3 or 4 trays with 30 eggs each every week from now on.  

David Mungai, a 2015 graduate of MMH, completed his university sports studies a few years ago.  He is at MMH every Saturday for gym classes with the kids and they love him.  He is one of the teachers that CHC pays for providing classes at MMH.  He is one of the role models as he even comes on holidays such as the inauguration of President William Ruto to provide classes without payment.

During a school break in September Sieglinde  and her husband Jans Juergen, along with other active members of CHC, were at MMH organizing meaningful activities for the children.  In the Wood Workshop 12 shelves for the upper floor of the dorms, three benches for smaller children, four wheelbarrows for playing, a “kubb game” and many boxes for a much used Scrabble game were built.  The team met many of the in-house teachers including IT teacher Moses, four school Homework Teachers, Music Teacher Moses, Sewing Teacher Lucy, Sports Teacher David and the Sign Language teacher. They were impressed with each and everyone.  While the CHC people were at MMH Charles picked up the first slaughtered pig and it was already “sausaged” in the kitchen the same afternoon.  Publicity about MMH took place when a TV crew from a local station did a documentary about the activities at MMH.

Some Partners have asked about sending something to their individual child.  The $240 per year of Partnership is used for school fees.  We have found that money for a small personal gift for a child such as a book can be sent through our Partnership Program.  Charles the Social Worker will decide on the gift and then get something such as a sweet to be distributed to the other children so no one feels left out.  For example $20 could be sent to the MMHPP for a small gift for a particular child.  That would be wired along with our semi-yearly or yearly  funds.   



With the drought of the century continuing in Northern Kenya there has also been a water shortage in the Nairobi area.  For years a wonderful neighbor of the John Kaheni Residence (JKR) has been donating water from his own well to fill up the storage tanks.  The tanks have been upgraded so that they will now hold 21,000 liters or 5548 gallons of water to serve the Residence.

The following was written by Cornelia Junge describing one of the programs offered at the JKR where most of the MMH Secondary School graduates learn independent living skills and are shepherded through their Post- Secondary Education.

“A striking difference between our German  and Kenyan mentalities can be observed in the way we deal with money and resources.  While we tend to plan and make provisions, in Kenya it is the here and now that counts, especially for the poorer population.  If there is any money available, it is usually spent immediately-the need is great.  Commercial thinking and action tend to fall by the wayside.  In order to better equip the young people who are accompanied by our team of social workers in the John Kaheni Residence (JKR) during their training for an independent life, a comprehensive “entrepreneurship program” closes this gap.  In modular learning units, the young people are taught marketing and communication skills in addition to commercial knowledge.  And, of course, they receive a certificate at the end.   

In order to support the transfer into practice, a questionnaire is used in which the “students” have to enter all income and expenses over a longer period of time.  An employee of a local bank, accompanies the learning path so that sustainability is also ensured.  This creates an awareness among the young people ow where the money goes, what needs to be considered, and how to create reserves for the future-something our students are also very interested in.”  


With the Pandemic It has been a difficult time for everyone over the last couple years. Cargo Human Care expressed its thanks to the 22 members of the great staff team of Mothers’ Mercy Home with a big Thank You Event.  The staff consists of  a Manager, 4 Social Workers, 3 Mothers who provide daily care for the children, a driver, a janitor, an accountant and those in other positions who lovingly care for the children. The staff were delighted with the recognition given to them for their years of devoted service to the children, especially over the last two years.

The Ukraine war continues to have a dramatic impact in Kenya.  Since Russia and Ukraine are the main suppliers of wheat and corn there have been dramatic price increases which are felt in the daily life at MMH. 

There has recently been a renewal of the Kenyan School System.  Students previously were advanced through ”Classes” 1-8 and then Form 1-4 (like our High School held at a Boarding School)  followed for some by 4 years of College /University.  In the new system the focus is more on individual development and holistic support of the students.  The new system is called the 2-6-6-3 system:  After two years of preschool, the students will switch to a Primary School for “Grades” 1-6, then to a Junior and Senior Secondary school for 6 years, and then possibly to higher education for an additional 3 years.  We have not been informed as to when Boarding School will start with this new system (after 6th grade?)

All Partners have recently received another update on their Partnered Child (Children).  We continue to be very pleased with the communication since we began our collaboration with Cargo Human Care.



We have been extremely pleased with our coordination of the Mother’ Mercy Home Partnership Program with Cargo Human Care, the philanthropic organization of Lufthansa Airlines.  Since the beginning of the year, they have sent us updates on all the children in Primary and Secondary School and the John Keheni Residence that we Partner with.  We have now received additional follow-up reports on the JKR students and will be receiving follow-ups on the Primary and Secondary students soon.  This is in great contrast to our communication about the students in recent past years. 

Cargo Human Care has Doctors at MMH frequently and Dr. Thomas Berger, Executive Board, noted on his last visit in July that the children should be having more meat.  He personally ordered 58 chickens for the Friday he was there.  CHC has been providing extras to the weekly menu since 2016 (one extra egg per week, yogurt, more milk and more fruits). Fokko Doyen, President CHC, on his next visit, will be discussing with Charles, lead Social Worker, CHC’s need to provide additional funds for meat and the other additions to the menu because of increased costs.  As we have all noted, cost of food has increased significantly. 

While we are experiencing very hot weather, Kenya has been having very low temperatures this winter.  A 25-year German resident of Nairobi reports the coldest temperature he has ever seen in Kenya, 48 F.  Charles has requested support for extra bed sheets and blankets to keep the children warm at night.   

Just  reminder to Partners who pay annually or semi-annually in July and who have not as yet paid, your Partnership is due now.  Please send to St. Thomas Church, 226 Washington St., Menasha, WI  54952 with MMHPP in the memo line.  Thanks to all who continue to serve these children in Jesus’ name.

NEWS OF MOTHERS’ MERCY HOME—AUGUST 2022We have been extremely pleased with our coordination of the Mother’ Mercy Home Partnership Program with Cargo Human Care, the philanthropic organization of Lufthansa Airlines.  Since the beginning of the year, they have sent us updates on all the children in Primary and Secondary School and the John Keheni Residence that we Partner with.  We have now received additional follow-up reports on the JKR students and will be receiving follow-ups on the Primary and Secondary students soon.  This is in great contrast to our communication about the students in recent past years. 

Cargo Human Care has Doctors at MMH frequently and Dr. Thomas Berger, Executive Board, noted on his last visit in July that the children should be having more meat.  He personally ordered 58 chickens for the Friday he was there.  CHC has been providing extras to the weekly menu since 2016 (one extra egg per week, yogurt, more milk and more fruits). Fokko Doyen, President CHC, on his next visit, will be discussing with Charles, lead Social Worker, CHC’s need to provide additional funds for meat and the other additions to the menu because of increased costs.  As we have all noted, cost of food has increased significantly. 

While we are experiencing very hot weather, Kenya has been having very low temperatures this winter.  A 25-year German resident of Nairobi reports the coldest temperature he has ever seen in Kenya, 48 F.  Charles has requested support for extra bed sheets and blankets to keep the children warm at night.   

Just  reminder to Partners who pay annually or semi-annually in July and who have not as yet paid, your Partnership is due now.  Please send to St. Thomas Church, 226 Washington St., Menasha, WI  54952 with MMHPP in the memo line.  Thanks to all who continue to serve these children in Jesus’ name.

JULY 2022

The members of the Mothers’ Union of the Diocese of Mt. Kenya South know the circumstances of the families in their districts very well.  Together with the Senior Social Worker of Mothers’ Mercy Home,  Charles Muigai, they select the children to be admitted to MMH based on their very poor family situations.  During the pandemic, only a few children were assigned to MMH by the authorities due to acute emergency situations.  Now, finally this year, 16 young children from the surrounding communities were admitted.  They moved into their new home in April, just in time for the new school year.  They were welcomed by the whole team with open arms and provided with everything they needed for themselves and for attending school.  They have settled in quickly and Sieglinde Reinhard from Cargo Human Care says “it is a joy to experience their cheerfulness and great interaction with the other children.”  Half of the new children are still of pre-school age, and in several cases, older siblings also were admitted. 

We have recently wired accumulated funds to pay for the uniforms, shoes, school bags, mattresses, bed covers, bedsheets, blankets, pillow and pillow cases, towels, pajamas and slippers as well as First Term School Fees for these new 16 children.  We have also sent funds for 6 months of Weekend Activities to be enjoyed by the children of all ages (guitar lessons, sewing, sport, music, art and creative activities, computer classes and mentorship),  for Playground Renovation, and for the repair of a pump to restore water to MMH and the Medical Clinic.  In addition, we sent the $240 Partnership Fee for each of the 39 children we are partnered with in Primary  and Secondary School and at the John Kaheni Residence.   These funds, totaling $21,700, had accumulated over the last year and a half when we were in the process of changing from an agreement with the Mothers’ Union and the Administration of MMH and moving to working in cooperation with Cargo Human Care.  CHC has been a supporter of MMH for years, building the dorms and other buildings on campus, as well as building, outfitting and staffing the  Medical Clinic.  They have people  frequently on the ground in Kenya and can assess the needs for us.  We are very pleased so far with this cooperative effort.  The people of CHC have provided us with updates on all the children and young people we have Partnered with and will be providing  twice yearly updates on the Primary, Secondary and John Kaheni Residence students we continue to Partner with.  Thanks to the members of St. Thomas for continuing to support this Mission for over 15 years and to all those who have been Partners over that time.  Through your prayers and financial support, you have ensured that  many children/young adults have or have had the opportunity to be nurtured in a Christian environment and to have had a real chance in life.


JUNE 2022

The John Kaheni Residence (named after a deceased 2013 graduate of Mothers’ Mercy Home) and built by Cargo Human Care, is where many of the MMH graduates live and learn independent living skills while continuing their pursuit of post-secondary education. They are supported by special programs provided there and by social workers of MMH. Due to disruptions in education during the pandemic no students graduated from the program in 2020 but there was a graduation in 2021. 

Twelve of the students that had been Partnered by our program who graduated from Secondary School between 2014 and 2017 were among the 2021 graduates of the John Kaheni Program.  They  are now independently working and living on their own.  Following are the professions that these students are now pursuing:

Drug Psychologist (Francis)                                                                                                                      Beauty Therapy (Lucy)                                                                                                                            Professional Carpentry  (Henry)                                                                                                              Electrical Installation  (Anthony)                                                                                                                Microbiologist  (Hannah)                                                                                                                           

Food and Beverage/Hotel-Restaurant  (Peter)                                                                                              Hair Therapist   (Ann)                                                                                                                                Early Childhood Development (Margaret)                                                                                                  Fashion Design (Elizabeth)                                                                                                                                                               

 Professional Baker   (Catherine)

Carpentry/Furniture   (Milkah)                                                                                                             

Catering Services and Graphic Design  (Lillian)

We are grateful for the support of our Partners over the many years and wish these twelve young people much success in their chosen careers.


MAY 2022

In our 2021 Annual Report we stated that the Mothers’ Mercy Home Partnership Program Board was in the process of praying and discerning how to proceed.  On March 31, 2022 our three-year agreement (ongoing every 3 years since 2007) ended and due to the lack of communication over recent years we were undecided as to how to continue our support of the children.

Cargo Human Care, the philanthropic branch of Lufthansa Airlines has been a strong supporter of MMH almost as long as we have.  This organization funded the dormitory, medical building, numerous other buildings on campus, and the John Kaheni Residence off campus for secondary school graduates.  They regularly send physicians to provide medical care, run camps during school vacations and their Board members visit frequently.  They know firsthand what is happening.  Since December 2020 our funds for MMH have been sent through Cargo Care Charity Trust Ltd. to be distributed for the items MMH has requested we fund.  They also have a Foster Program somewhat similar to our Partnership Program and they provide updates on the children two times a year.

Following prayer, frequent communication with CHC and discussions our Board decided not to renew a 3-year agreement with the Mothers’ Union and the Administration of MMH but to continue our program and the support of the children through Cargo Human Care.  Alexandra Doyen, the daughter-in-law of Fokko Doyen, the founder of CHC, has been assigned to be our liaison.  She has provided updates (the first since 2018) on all the Primary and Secondary students and those at the John Kaheni Residence.  She has also provided final reports on twelve of our Partnered students  who graduated from the John Kaheni Program in 2021 and are now pursuing their careers and living independently.  These reports have been forwarded to the Partners.  In the near future she will be attempting to gather information on those Partnered students who graduated from the JKR Porgram prior to 2021.

We are looking forward to working in conjunction with these dedicated folks from Cargo Human Care.  Our program will continue with Partnerships as in the past.  (Just a reminder that those Partners who pay annually in April or twice yearly in April and October, your contributions would be due now.) We are grateful for all the support of these children over the years and pray that your support will continue in these difficult times for people (particularly children) throughout the world.



MARCH 2022

Through Lufthansa Air Lines “Cargo Human Care” we have been communicating with Alexandra Doyen, who is the daughter-in-law of Fokko Doyen, the founder of the program.  Following is a report from Alexandra:

I would like to inform you about the development at Mothers’ Mercy Home (MMH) and John Kaheni Residence (JKR) and to give you an insight into the life of the children and young adults supported/sponsored throughout your program.

With the onset of the pandemic, the majority of MMH children had to be sent, by official order, to their very poor relatives, only ten who have no guardians could remain in MMH.  For us, this was the start of family support by a monthly food package.  During the distribution of food, the children were regularly visited by our social worker team around Charles Muigai.  Thus, a regular insight into the domestic conditions could take place, with very different observations.

For about a third of the families, the conditions were so worrying that permission to return these children to the MMH was obtained from the authorities prematurely.  Other families were so good organized that the idea was born, together with food aid to create plant spirals on their properties for their self-sufficiency.  Another group of families in now even supported in hosting smaller businesses.

Due to the help for the families, you can say that the social workers Charles, Linda, Rehema and Esther now also built up a task area outside the MMH.  Since the beginning of 2021, with few exceptions, all children have been back at the MMH and are able to visit the schools again.

It is astonishing that despite the difficult learning conditions during the pandemic, the majority of children have improved their grades by several points.

The Kenyan School Board has published a new timetable.  The 9 school months  lost during the pandemic will be compensated by shortening the following three school years by three months each.  So, the current and the next two school years will only last 9 months.  This also means that the school holidays have been greatly reduced.

For hygiene reasons, contact with visitors is still not permitted or only to a very limited extent.  Thus, the holiday camps carried out by our organization and so popular with the children cannot take place.  However, we are in regular contact with the MMH team and pass on suggestions for alternative activities in this way. 

Please do not hesitate to ask Fokko or me any arising questions!

We would like to thank you for your valuable support.  All the best,

Alexandra Doyen


Through Lufthansa Air Lines Cargo Human Care we have the following report by Sieglinde Reinhard who visited MMH in December 2021:

“The most important community action was the setting in concrete of three metal posts for two new rope play devices, which we had brought from Germany from the donations for the redesign of the playground.  Shortly before our  visit a “Playhouse” was set up by a local provider.  This play structure consists of several elements: an inclined climbing wall, two slides, three seesaws, a crawling barrel and a “fire tower”, i.e.  a pole to slide.  It has already been inaugurated and used extensively by the children with great joy.

The rope climbing course initially consists of a vertical spider web and a low balancing bridge.  Both help to strengthen a sense of balance and a feeling for the body.  Three large holes were dug for the posts, into which they were firmly concreted.  The children of all ages helped with commitment and enthusiasm.  The smaller ones formed buckets to carry stones and the mixed concrete to the hole.  The bigger youngsters tackled the placement and measuring.  Still others used the brush to paint the posts.

We had a bit of bad luck with the weather when installing the devices.  With the rain pouring again and again, everything could still be fastened so far that the rest of the work could be carried out without us.  Until our next visit, the ground should be planted with particularly thick and tall grass.  We are curious and look forward to seeing the complete play system in its expanded state.”

This is a tremendous improvement from the playground when members of St Thomas first visited in 2007.  At that time a metal slide stood alone in the playground area.  We are thankful for this expanded opportunity for the children to play outside and develop motor and social skills. 


Though this news is a little delayed, we are happy to report that 14 children of MMH received the sacrament of Baptism on September 19th at ACK Kiangoju Church where they fellowship with other children on Sundays.  Regarding the grounds and buildings:  1) The parking area was improved with cabros (small stones to alleviate the mud problem).  2) The children assisted in leveling the area where new playground equipment will be installed.  3) To help with food preparation some new burners were installed in the open kitchen.  4) The outside of the main hall was recently decorated with creative and colorful murals painted by a professional painter with help from the children.  With children’s hand prints on some of the walls and the water tanks all were involved in a fun activity that contributed to the children’s growing identity with MMH. 

A quarterly Birthday Party was celebrated in September with three festive cakes acknowledging children with July, August and September birthdays.  On a very sad note, Charles, the Social Worker, has informed us that 4 members of his close family were killed in a terrible road accident recently.  Please keep Charles and his family in your prayers during this difficult time.


During the month of September funds were sent to Mothers’ Mercy Home to provide the following needed items:  school uniform sweaters, school shoes, crocks/slippers, rubber shoes for sports, undergarments, school books, school bags, replacement of 25 beds and two computers for social workers. 


Following graduation in April, Class 8 Primary students have had 2 hours of computer classes at Mothers’ Mercy Home each weekday. These classes, sponsored by Cargo Human Care of Lufthansa Air Lines, are in preparation for their entrance to Secondary School in August. 

Partners will be pleased to hear that new pictures and updated information on their Partner children/students will be available this fall.  A number of Partners have students that have graduated from Secondary School.  If you are one of these Partners, we encourage you to choose a different new younger child whom you will be able to receive current updates.  For questions regarding changing your Partner please contact Kathy Peterson at

JULY 2021

This article written by Sieglinde Reinhard appeared in the Cargo Human Care News, June 2021 Mothers’ Mercy Home-schools in Kenya open again

Thanks to declining infection rates, all schools were reopened on 10 May as planned with a hygiene concept.  The children wear masks and hands are often washed and disinfected.

All the children came back to the MMH in the week prior.  About half of them had spent two weeks over the Easter holidays with their often remote family members.  The preparation week allowed the children to readapt to a regular schedule once more.  The school uniforms were prepared, and still outstanding holiday homework was completed.

The students in the last years of Primary (Class 8) and Secondary School (Class 12), had already resumed their classes in October last year.  After taking their final exams, the Secondary School graduates are now moving out of MMH.  They will in future be looked after in our John Kaheni Residence.  Class 8 students will have to wait until July before they can move to Secondary School.  The MMH team has come up with an excellent program to make good use of the time until then.

Unfortunately, there were also undesirable developments in the long lock-down.  Two young MMH teens decided not to return to the home, and to drop out of school.  Two girls became pregnant.  Different accommodation has been found for them.  The social workers are providing them the necessary medical care and ensuring that they will be able to resume their schooling after their babies are born.

Yet, there is also good news:  Four young children were newly admitted.  They can now attend a pre-primary school for the first time.  We wish them and all other school children successful learning.

MAY 2021

Schools closed for a six- week break on March 19th and on April 16th some of the children were released to their guardians for two weeks.  All students will return to classes the first week of May.  While at MMH during the break the children had been concentrating on school homework, creative activities and assisting in daily chores like washing, sweeping and farm work. 

Form Four Secondary students finished up their final exams on April 26th.  A Graduation Celebration was planned for the students for the end of April or sometime in early May.

It is with sadness we inform you of the death of one of our Partnered students, Miriam Njeri, a member of the first graduating class of 2014, on April 9th.  Her funeral was held April 16th.  As the mother of 4- year- old twins and a 2- month- old baby we are concerned about her family.  Please keep them in your prayers.  No further details are known at this time. 

APRIL 2021

Devotional/Motivational books will be presented to the 3 MMH graduates of Secondary Education in April as well as to 3 other graduates sponsored by MMH.  The MMH Partnership Program and the St. Thomas Church Parish Family have been providing these tokens of congratulations since the first students graduated in 2013.

The Family Aid program continues to provide some food stuffs to families and recently sponsored kitchen gardens and the purchase of vegetable seedings for families to use to grow vegetables for  themselves and to sell any excess to their neighbors.  Cargo Human Care will continue to initiate many small projects as they will not be able to provide foodstuffs indefinitely.

All school classes closed for break by March 19th.

MARCH 2021

The children continue to do well since school has resumed.  Staff of MMH are happy that the schools have tried to maintain all COVID-19 safety measures.  The children are much appreciative of their new school uniforms and shoes which were paid for with funds wired from the MMH Partnership Program.   Many families in Kenya are continuing to struggle with foodstuff availability and the program to provide food each month to families continues.


SCHOOL HAS RESUMED IN KENYA!  All Primary Day Schools and Secondary Boarding Schools began classes January 4th.  The students will be monitored closely to keep Covid-19 under control.  We recently sent funds to buy shoes, school uniforms and other clothing for the children as well as uniforms for staff.  The children were extremely excited to travel to the shoe store to try on new shoes and were pleased with their new uniforms.  Many had grown out of their shoes and uniforms since schools closed early in 2020.  The staff and children continue to be grateful for our continuing support in these difficult times.